What people say 

Guest Feedback

What people say 

We care about our guests, and their feedback is very important. On this page our guests do the talking.

B. Barham (US/Belgium)
The trip was a grand success. Thank you for a perfect experience! We would definitely like to use you again for our next three trips. I’m also going to share your information with the ladies in case they want to utilize your expert services personally. We are so delighted and enjoyed every experience you prepared. Many thanks!

A. & Y. Elliot (UK/Japan)
We’re five days into our holiday now and we’re having a great time. Porto was wonderful: it’s such a beautiful city, and we’re now in Pinhao.

On our first full day we had a nice tour with Alvaro. He told us everything about Porto and took us around for several hours. The meal at the restaurant on the second night was excellent. We had a very knowledgeable waiter called Bruno I think: he was expecting us and served us some great food and wines.

Then on Tuesday and Wednesday my wife had the cookery lessons. All the staff there were really helpful, especially Chef Nuno. I took pictures and tried not to get in the way.. Then we had lunch together with some great wines again.

On Wednesday we took a taxi to the restaurant….this was a very high-end restaurant, so it was a great experience. It is good to enjoy these high quality restaurants as part of an inclusive package.

We then took a lovely train ride to Pinhao yesterday and checked in to Quinta. This Quinta has a wonderful location in the Douro and the room is very nice. The wine tasting tour was good yesterday, and we enjoyed the tour of Quinta this morning….. overall it’s been a wonderful holiday: one of our best ever.

Thanks for arranging it all.

J. Meesters (Nederland)
We hebben genoten van de reis. Heerlijk gegeten en gedronken. Hotel… is goed, restaurants idem. De kookles van … was heel goed. Wie weet doen we Lissabon ook nog een keer.

M. Hamers (Nederland)
Ik wil je graag laten weten dat we een fantastische reis hebben gehad in Baskenland! Alle hotels en restaurants waren uitstekend en alles was perfect geregeld! Geweldige gids in San Sebastian bij de tapas tour, leuke rondleidingen op de wijnlandgoeden met heerlijke lunch.
Dank je wel!

B. Bruh (UK)
My brother, Daniel and I would like to thank you for arranging our gastronomic itinerary for Porto. We have had a wonderful time! Weather was great; people we have met were charming and without a doubt; we have certainly eaten very well at some very fine restaurants!

Our morning tour with Pedro was short but very relax and interesting! He was awesome; great knowledge of his history and architecture surrounding … totally passionate; what a delight to walk the city with him … Only wish we have had him for the whole day!

Thank you again for making our stay in Porto such a memorable one! We love Portugal and hope to be back again next year.

T. Mcdermott (USA)
You hit it out of the park as we say in the States!!!!
Thank you. Every single event has been wonderful! We are missing Portugal already!!!
Thank you thank you thank you.

A. Kool van Langenberghe (Nederland)
We hebben een zeer positieve reis gehad en zeker is dat voor een groot deel te danken aan jou. We zullen zeker nog eens van je diensten gebruik willen maken, maar daar hebben we nog zeker een jaar de tijd ervoor.

G. Libertiny (UK)
The holiday was fantastic….. the whole experience was as good or better than we expected. At most places we truly felt like VIPs, with great selection and frequently truly excellent wines, good food and lovely, attentive hosts. The Count’s manor house (palace) packed with great pieces of furniture and art as well as his company were something we never experienced before. 

Overall, we thought it was very good value for money, too. Thank you for organising it.

E. Mendoza (USA)
Sophia and I have had an excellent time during our wine trip. Everything went as planned.

A. Rentema (Nederland)
Hierbij ons verslag van de prachtige reis (ook te vinden op Facebook), ….. uitstekend hotel. diner niet drie maar ongevraagd zeven gangen. heel mooi maar beetje erg veul. mooie wijnen …uitstekende gids (diego) en erg leuke privé wijnrondleiding…..proeverij bodega … was fantastisch, 9 flessen gingen open. de lunch was goed verzorgd. ….. prachtige wijnproeverij. …heerlijk en gezellig. buiten gezeten. taxi genomen.…puur genieten. ook … is fantastisch. leuke bediening

Kortom je hebt ons aangenaam verrast… veel dank.

B. de Vos (Nederland)
Het was weer geweldig. We hebben bijzonder genoten. Dank daarvoor.

L. Keizers (Nederland)
We hebben een geweldige reis gehad. Het weer liet wat te wensen over maar ondanks dat was het goed. De locaties waar we verbleven waren allemaal fantastisch…….. De restaurants die je voor ons uitgezocht had, waren allemaal perfect. Ik zou zo overal weer langs gaan……Verder moet ik je zeggen dat we het echt geweldig hebben gehad, om maar een paar zaken te noemen, de eerste avond in Porto, dat restaurant was helemaal top…Het visrestaurant in Viana de Castelo uitstekend gegeten daar…… Santiago de Compostella, wat mooi om dat eens mee te maken. En de lunch in Quinta Crasto. Je merkt het wel, we hebben echt genoten.
Zodra ik weer een mooie reis door Portugal wil maken, neem ik contact met je op. Paladares heb ik inmiddels bij velen aangeprezen……..Dank voor je inzet en wellicht tot een volgende keer.

G. & M. (Nederland)
We zijn weer terug van weggeweest na een super super vakantie. Heerlijk genoten op de verschillende locaties en vele proeverijen. Educatief en culinair tegelijk…….niets dan lof voor de erg mooie locaties en heerlijk samengestelde reis. Vouchers, programmaboekje en rondleidingen waren informatief en goed samengesteld.

P. Jennings (Ireland)
We had a wonderful and memorable holiday which we both thoroughly enjoyed. Everything went really smoothly and was very relaxing. The accommodation in Santiago, Cambados and indeed Porto were all excellent, the meals were fabulous and the guided tours of Santiago and Porto were very informative and provided a wonderful insight to both cities. Thank you for helping us have a brilliant holiday and we will definitely be in touch again if we return to the region again. I will recommend Paladares travel to any friends who would like to visit Galicia or Porto.

M. Schroder (NL)
Ik/we hebben het echt geweldig gehad en het geheel was top geregeld. Restaurants waren zonder uitzondering super, tapas en kkok-tour waren erg leuk. De fietstocht door het casa del campo was een hoogtepunt en we hebben zondagochtend zelfs nog een keer met Caspar gefietst op e-bikes in een extra tocht door de stad. La Granja beviel ook prima, met name door het heerlijke weer en wandelen in het kasteelpark

Ik zal je een aantal foto’s doen toekomen en ff zien op tripadvisor wat ik kan doen voor Paladares, want het smaakte met alle plezier naar meer !!

T. Miller (USA)
Once again, we’d like to thank you for your work towards planning our Spain and Portugal experience. I’m not even sure where to begin, there were so many wonderful experiences. For Marcus and I, our very favorite part of Spain was our day in the Rioja valley. The winery was a magical experience. The beauty of the landscapes, the personal guided tour, the wine tasting, and the lovely lunch overlooking the estate was beyond my expectations. Then, to stay at the lovely Finca was the icing on the cake. The building was incredible, the scenery was inspiring, and we could have easily spent another day there, exploring the region and enjoying the winery. We actually bought three small paintings of the local landscape from an artist who was on display at the Finca.

In addition to this amazing day, we had positive experiences across the board. Each day seemed to get better than the previous. Our accommodations in each community were wonderful. We loved the diversity of our accommodations, with some being more traditional and others more modern. All were quite comfortable and lovely, with friendly staff and excellent amenities. Our meals were also quite memorable. My personal favorite was the Pinxtos tour. Our guide was informative, friendly, and made excellent choices in food and wine, at our request. As well, the higher end restaurants were a wonderful sampling of the wide variety of foods available in Spain. Speaking for myself, I will fondly remember the many aspects of this vacation for years to come.

I will allow Alan and Vincent to share more with you about the Portugal piece of our trip. As you may be aware, the weather took a turn for the worse once we arrived in Porto and we made the decision to head back to Spain a day early. We did this primarily so we would not have to travel so far the day before stepping onto the plane for our trip back to the States. We had a lovely time with them in the Douro region. The landscapes were remarkable and the dinner at … and …(the following evening) were simply fabulous. We can’t speak highly enough of our vacation to our friends and family back home. I would highly recommend anyone engage your services who is looking for a memorable experience in northern Spain or Portugal. Thank you again – I am sorry we did not have the opportunity to meet, but hope to have the opportunity to return to that region again soon.

R & G Pronk – Nederland
Het was weer een prachtige reis! Werkelijk waar! De hotels, de restaurants, ik heb geen enkele negatieve reactie! De steden de plaatsen absoluut prachtig om te bezoeken . ongelooflijk dat Spanje zulke pareltjes heeft! Top gegeten ook! Dus het is voor herhaling vatbaar !!!

H. Achtman (USA)
Thank you for organizing such a wonderful trip for us. We could not have made such arrangements on our own……….In Porto, we enjoyed our walking tour with Pedro. He showed us areas that are not on the tourist track and shared much information with us. Likewise, we loved our time at the restaurant. The staff could not have been nicer nor the food any better. It was a magical evening for us…………….Your hotel in the Dao Valley had to be our favorite hotel, partly for its loveliness and partly for its history. We were given a private tour of the property and were quite impressed by the on site museum. This hotel is a treasure. The dinner there that evening was equally impressive and delicious ~ a fitting meal for Sy on his birthday. The hotel in Coimbra was another lovely property……… We loved Obidos, although not necessarily driving through it. Our hotel was comfortable and private. We enjoyed a more traditional, less gourmet, meal othere. It was a welcome treat. The singer-guitarist added to the overall atmosphere of the evening……… Having our trip end in Cascais was the way to go. By then we needed some down time to just relax. Dinner was enjoyable and good, but dining at the Fortaleza was a true culinary experience. The food was as beautiful as it was delicious. And the service was attentive without being intrusive. This was a meal to remember for a lifetime.

I know my comments have run long but hope they are of some help to you. The fact that I had so much to say is testament to the fact that this was a wonderful vacation. Thank you again for your kindness and expertise. Please feel free to offer my name as a reference to potential clients.

M. Ruypers (Nederland)
Our trip to Porto and Douro Valley was truly beyond expectations. Never experienced so high quality of food every day. The whole trip was a sensation for our tummy. All the restaurants, both for lunch and dinner were well thought off. The service was sublime and everyone extremely kind. The personal tour through the Winehouse Quinta was very interesting and fun. Especially the Wine tasting parts afterwards has thought us a lot about the different type of grapes in this area. We will highly recommend travelling through the Douro Valley to everyone who wants to enjoy nature, good food and great wine without exception. All in all, a memorable experience thanks to your great taste and organization.

S. Lovell (UK)
We thought the whole experience was fantastic. We couldn’t fault the organisation, the food and the wine, which were all excellent. The minibus driver we booked through you was wonderful and we could not have managed without him.

The accommodation at the winery was very good and it was nice to meet the owner at breakfast time who checked everything was to our liking. The wineries were all great and looked after us very well with plenty of food, wine and port. The restaurants were all brilliant with great service and fine food. We did rather drink too much wine and could not believe that even with the wine flight at the restaurants the staff continually topped up our wine!

We would thoroughly recommend your company to anyone wishing for a wine and fine dining experience and feel sure we will book another trip with you in the future.

D. v.d. Zanden (Nederland)
De reis was zeer goed georganiseerd! We hebben erg genoten.
Wat ik erg mooi vond was dat overal waar we kwamen iedereen goed op de hoogte was. Dat we prettig ontvangen werden en persoonlijk benaderd. De zin: “all taking care of” bevalt me prima en heb ik daar zeer regelmatig gehoord. Een dikke pluim wat mij betreft. De hotels: In Porto: geweldig! Mooi, super ontbijt, geweldige kamer! Mega fijne douche. In Douro: geweldige locatie. Ongelooflijk uitzicht. Super zwembad. Heerlijke bomen voor fruit, vijgen en bessen. Fijn personeel.

Overall een super vakantie. Je hebt goed begrepen wat we wilde. Voor mij persoonlijk zou ik volgende keer meer cultuur en minder culinair willen. Het was een hele belevenis!Bedankt voor de goede zorgen. Hopelijk kan ik nogmaals van je diensten gebruik gaan maken.

M. Aarts (Nederland)
We hebben er erg van genoten, het was allemaal heel goed geregeld.
Het eten was heerlijk…….
De proeverijen zijn ook heel goed bevallen. En de douro, was een mooie tegenhanger van de drukte van de stad. Bedankt voor de service, als we nogmaals die kant opgaan, zullen we zeker aan je denken.

T. Segers (Belgie)
Ik wil u graag bedanken voor de fantastische reis die we gemaakt hebben in Porto en de Douro streek…… de verschillende restaurants en de diversiteit aan gerechten en wijnen waren geweldig, we hebben onze ogen uit het hoofd gekeken……….de tours door de wijn en port kelders waren stuk voor stuk speciaal, we hadden de indruk dat we bij enkele van de tophuizen terecht gekomen waren, na het proeven van hun creaties.

J. Mak (UK/NL)
Alle drie de mannen waren echt super enthousiast! Op vele fronten was het boven verwachting. Het restaurant …sprong er echt uit! Fantastisch! Voor mijn man beste restaurant waar hij ooit heeft gegeten. Bij … werden ze als vorsten ontvangen en ook … was super indrukwekkend en prachtige wijn. Hartelijk dank normaals voor het organiseren. De heren kijken er nog steeds met veel plezier naar terug.

We zullen je zeker aanbevelen aan onze vrienden.

A. Artmann (USA)
On behalf of the Artmann family, I want to thank you for an amazing cultural experience in the Alentejo. We had a fabulous time in Evora and enjoyed all of the activities you planned for us. We honestly expected our cooking experiences to be with larger groups, and we happily surprised when it was just us. The cooking class at .. was phenomenal. The chef was a great teacher and very generous with his time and expertise. The food and wine, with the setting, were just superb. We also enjoyed our cooking and wine experience at …, with a chef and tour guide who were very knowledgeable and kind. Both dinner reservations were superb – the food and wine fabulous. We just wish we were a little hungrier for dinner after the cooking classes! We also really enjoyed visiting the farm, and learned so much about local agriculture and food. It was great to have the Alentejo experience from farm to table.

The hotel itself was beautiful, the setting and location great for access in and out of the city, and the accommodations very nice.

We cannot thank you enough for making our Alentejo experience magical.

K. Allingham (USA)
We absolutely loved our experience in Alentejo! Everything went smoothly and our itinerary exceeded our expectations! The hotel we stayed at in Evora was beautiful with a delicious and large breakfast each morning. Our tour and tasting at a local winery was informative and interesting. Our favorite part was the cooking class where a local chef helped us make an incredible meal, featuring lots of local food from the Alentejo region. We spent an extended time at the winery, because we were enjoying ourselves so much! All the details of the 2 days were clearly communicated to us within the itinerary and we had no issues. Thank you for a wonderful experience and we hope to able to work with you again!

D. Lynch (Canada)
Thank you again for setting us up with the cooking class – our dinner service and wine pairings were great – they made sure we were well cared for……
We will have some friends over in a couple weeks and try to duplicate the meal…

C & D Preston (UK)
We feel that we must write and tell you how much my wife and I enjoyed our trip last weekend to Portugal.
The hospitality given to us by the hotel staff in Evora was wonderful, nothing was too much trouble for them….Our guide was very professional indeed and that combined with his immense knowledge of Portuguese wines and food made the whole experience absolutely fantastic. The Chef Antonio was very patient with us in the kitchen and he showed us how to create dishes that tasted delicious.
The trips to the winerys were very interesting indeed, with the Quinta D. M. visit especially amazing. Thank you very much for organising a memorable weekend.

T. Bagguley (Netherlands)
The ingredients were great and it was nice to see that the chef cooked what was fresh/looked good i.e. not sticking religiously to recipes but being flexible……..The palace was lovely and it was great to have the opportunity to go round it. Really one of the highlights of the trip. The wine they produce is excellent and very interesting to actually go to the vineyards and talk to the people there. It was so much more than just a tasting…… The atmosphere was great….. It was a wonderful trip and we both had a fantastic time. Thank you very much for organising and arranging it.

J. van der Heide/ W. van Gorkum (Nederland)
Supermooie omgeving. Je bent even heel ergens anders….. Goede kok! Speelde goed in op de groep, had gevoel voor humor. Kookte met flair!…. Er werd in het groot gekookt: biggetje, grote vis, enorme hoeveelheid pasteien…. Samenstelling programma was heel goed. 2 proeverijen + 3 kooklessen. Charmante aan de proeverijen was ook de zeer natuurlijke uitstraling van de begeleiding aldaar (absoluut niet toeristisch).

B. Attwood (UK)
Wine tasting and the olive oil tour were both great…… I enjoyed the cooking demonstrations at the restaurant in a ‘real’ restaurant environment. The people were enthusiastic and welcoming. The food was interesting and delicious. The chef was very charismatic! ….
Overall it was a great, great weekend – thank you for a wonderful time.

S. Rusbasan (UK)
It was stellar..…… The accommodation on the hill, our room, the amenities were all tasteful and heartfelt…… The wine tour was superb! We walked the vineyards and were shown hundred year old vines and newer vines. We saw many phases of production and marketing, met the owner, and had a wonderful lunch……… This is a class operation…….

N. Dibley (UK)
What a wonderful holiday we had……
The food, wine and location was amazing ……. an outstanding experience.

K. Peterson (USA)
Can’t thank you enough for setting up our Douro Valley and Porto wine tour this October. It was much more exciting and delicious than we expected. Each day got progressively better if that was even possible. The winery tours were educational and our guides shared so much, answered all of our questions ………. we thoroughly enjoyed the tour you created for us, we felt as though we were royalty. Everyone we came into contact with was warm, friendly and seemed genuinely happy to have us in Portugal. This part of our visit to Portugal was the first of our two plus weeks visit to Portugal and even today we continue to remember vividly our fabulous Douro Valley experience.

W. Kox (Nederland)
Inmiddels zijn we weer terug vanuit Porto.Om met de eindconclusie te starten: het was superieur ! We waren zeer onder de indruk van de keuze van de Hotels, maar in het bijzonder van de diners & lunches. Het eten was zeer goed en op hoog niveau, waarbij er, in alle gelegenheden, rijkelijk geschonken werd……Namens mijn medereizigers en mijzelf wil ik je bij deze nog van harte bedanken voor de perfect georganiseerde trip. We zullen, met trots, jou aanbevelen bij anderen.

J. & W. Eilander (Nederland)
We hebben heel erg van het weekend genoten!

J. Vegter (Nederland)
Nogmaals mijn dank aan jou en Sofia voor de goede organisatie van deze geweldige reis. Ik heb er erg van genoten.

W. Prendergast (New Zealand)
I had a wonderful time in Portugal. The accommodation, food, service etc were exceptional. I would certainly use your company again,but next time I would like to try the week long cooking course in the Alentejo. Many thanks for your help and support.

P. Schennach (Canada)
We had a fabulous experience. In fact the tour you and your team put together exceeded our expectations. The accommodations, food, tours and wine were all first rate. We very much enjoyed the variety of quintas and restaurants. With respect to feedback – everything was very well done – including the orientation package you forwarded in advance of our trip…… Thanks again to you and your team.

E. Skorcheva (USA)
We had an outstanding time in Douro, and we were very impressed by the itinerary. We’d definitely keep your agency in mind when planning future travel.

M. Keene (USA)
We did indeed enjoy the long weekend in Douro Valley. The food, wine, and scenery all were excellent.

B. Walmsley (South Africa)
I just wanted to drop you a note to thank you for a memorable and thoroughly enjoyable tour of the Douro Valley. These things don’t happen by chance or by themselves and I appreciate all the hard work ‘behind the scenes’ that you and Pedro put in. I have put my vintage port away and will remember this trip when I take it out in 2020!

J. Pope (Australia) – Tailor made wine tour Douro Valley
We had such a wonderful time in the Douro Valley, and so did everyone in the group. Stories were circulating around our conference and everyone else was very jealous they didn’t come! Thank you so much for all your efforts in organising such a fantastic trip.

M. & J. Loebel (USA)
We want you to know that we truly enjoyed our trip to Porto and the Douro Valley. Each part of your itinerary made our trip an experience we will never forget. The Quintas in the Douro were welcoming and lovely. The wines were wonderful. Pedro helped to make Porto come alive with his informative tour. The cooking class and food at … were excellent and the dinner at … was devine. We definitely ate too much on the trip, but it was worth it.

All in all, this was a wonderful time. We plan to share our experiences with friends that are traveling to Portugal in the near future. Thank you and all of Paladares for helping to make our trip “the trip of a lifetime.”

W. Kox (Nederland)
Ons weekend zit er helaas weer op. Het was fantastisch, zeker de lunch in de wijnvelden was zeer goed en bijzonder. Alles is perfect gelopen !

M. Keene (USA)
I did indeed enjoy the food and wine experience. ……. were all at the very top of my list of experiences.

J. Buijtels (Nederland)
Namens het hele bestuur willen we je enorm bedanken voor het fantastische weekend, het was helemaal top!
Het programma was erg relaxt met de interessante wandeling (“heerlijk om zo achter iemand met veel kennis en een neus voor de bijzondere kleine plekjes aan te kunnen lopen”) …………de bijzondere wijnproeverij met zeer plezierige uitleg, heel goed! ……… een op en top diner ‘s avonds ……helemaal af!!!
Nogmaals heel veel dank voor alles en op naar een volgende gelegenheid!

A. Biersteker (Nederland)
Nou wat hebben we genoten hoor! Prachtige stad, groot ook. Het hotel was echt prima…..Donderdag was het restaurant echt meer dan super! Daar kregen we zoveel en werden heel erg hartelijk ontvangen. Mooie locatie ook aan het water. Vrijdag de sightseeing tour was heel informatief en met een hele enthousiaste Jose…

Eten ook weer prima savonds. Zaterdag de proeverij was echt heel goed, onwijze leuke locatie ook in die oude watervoorziening. Het avond eten was een bruisende locatie die erg leuk was! Het eten was soms wel een beetje erg expirimenteel maar zeker ook weer super geregeld!! We hebben goed bij kunnen kletsen en ons kunnen laten verwennen door het Portugeese leven. TOP!!

Wittermans family (The Netherlands)
We vonden het een zeer geslaagde en relaxte vakantie met veel variatie van mooie steden tot het rustige platteland en strand. De accomodaties waren goed tot zeer goed waarbij … in Sintra gerust als fantastisch genoemd mag worden. Wat een mooie omgeving, goede service en mooie faciliteiten! Ook in Porto een uitstekend hotel met zeer goede service en een fantastisch restaurant …….Wat betreft de arrangementen hebben we zeer genoten van de stadswandelingen in Lissabon en Porto, waarbij de laatste met Pedro als enthousiaste gids en echte Porto kenner door ons zeer gastvrij en interessant werd gevonden.

De kook sessie met lunch in … was super, heerlijke gerechten, dito wijnen en heel erg attente staf. En dat alles in een mooie omgeving!………. vonden we ook de lunch in Quinta… en de olijfolie proeverij erg geslaagd.

Last but not least willen we jou en Pedro bedanken voor het samenstellen van deze mooie vakantie. We hebben een prima en zeer positieve indruk van Portugal en de Portugezen gekregen en komen zeker weer een keer terug naar dit mooie en gastvrije land.

J van Zeijst (Nederland)
We zijn nu al weer een paar dagen in Nederland en we hebben nu al weer heimwee naar Portugal…..de reis die je voor ons opgesteld hebt was geheel naar wens en wat hebben we genoten van het eten, de goede wijnen, de overheerlijke port, de leuke, leerzame en inspirerende gesprekken die we hebben gehad met al de Portugezen die we hebben ontmoet.

A. Miatt (UK)
We thought the holiday was fantastic and very much enjoyed ourselves. The standard of food and wine was very high and more than met our expectations. For us the highlight probably was the visit to Paco X. Not only was the food of an incredibly high standard, we thought they did the best job of matching the wines to the food. We note that they are just starting on a renovation project for a big house adjoining their grounds. Assuming they turn this in to a hotel we’re sure it will be worth a look.

In terms of the wine itself, as well as the quality of the tour, the Quinta X was probably the best. It helped that they had run out of 20 year old tawny so gave us 30 year old to try instead! The dinner on the final evening was also of outstanding quality with excellent wines and service.

The first tour at Quinta x was very rustic and we really enjoyed being out in the countryside. Our guide was very helpful and knowledgeable and the lunch was lovely Overall a fantastic experience with some really high quality food and wine in lovely settings. The information pack that you sent through was also very good in terms of preparing us and helping us to look forward to it.

L. Philippart (Belgium)
It’s only yesterday that we left beautiful Portugal and we are already missing it! ………… Every body had a wonderful stay and enjoyed it fullhearted. Therefore thanks on behalf of us all…

A 4 day’s exploration of innovative and classic gastronomy in enchanting Lisbon, and the best food and wine in rural and authentic Alentejo

Learn how to cook fine as well as rustic Portuguese dishes with the chefs of premier Alentejo wineries

Discover exciting wines and remarkable winery architecture at one with the Rioja landscape during a 4 day wine tour

An alternative Iberian experience, seamlessly combining food & wine and heritage in the lush wine regions of Galicia, Vinho Verde and Douro Valley, in Northern Spain and Portugal.





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Paladares Travel

Paladares Travel is an international travel company specializing in travelling in Portugal and Spain. In these two countries we curate bespoke culinary & wine travel experiences with a sense of place.



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